Seminars, Symposia & Masterclasses Academic Day at the Forsaken Music Festival in Schwerin, Germany I November 10, 2023 “Arnold Schoenberg´s 150th Celebration” I International Conference I November 3-5, 2023 I Shenzhen, China International Symposium “Music and Exile in a Global Perspective” | May 30, 2023; Reykjavik, Iceland Symposium: Exile, Modernism, and Hollywood at the Exilarte Center | June 11 & 12, 2022 Masterclass with Ulrike Anton at the Verfemte Musik Festival in Schwerin, Germany | October 7 – 10, 2021 Exile Music Workshop with Prof. Dr. Gerold Gruber und Dr. Ulrike Anton I August 19 & 20, 2021 Expelled, persecuted, banned – European music and the consequences of National Socialism, current seminar at the mdw
“Arnold Schoenberg´s 150th Celebration” I International Conference I November 3-5, 2023 I Shenzhen, China
Masterclass with Ulrike Anton at the Verfemte Musik Festival in Schwerin, Germany | October 7 – 10, 2021
Expelled, persecuted, banned – European music and the consequences of National Socialism, current seminar at the mdw