On Saturday, October 1, 2022, this year’s “ORF Long Night of Museums” will take place in Austria.
The Exilarte Center of the mdw is pleased to again be part of the event this year. In addition to our special programs, there will be also guided tours through the current exhibition Fritz Kreisler – A Cosmopolitan in Exile. From Child Prodigy to “King of Violinists”as well as through our permanent exhibitions.

SPECIAL EVENTS as part of the ORF Long Night of Museums
1) Literary Reading with Music (starting at 7 pm)
In Memory of Käthe Leichter – 80 Years After Her Murder by the Nazis
Opening speech: Mag.a Ulrike Sych, President of the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Käthe Leichter was one of the first leading Austrian social democrats to fight for equal rights of female and male workers. Her letters paint an impressive picture of a courageous woman. In 1939 she was deported to Ravensbrück concentration camp, where she was murdered in 1942. Her sister, the composer and music therapist Vally Weigl, managed to flee to the USA together with her husband, the composer Karl Weigl in 1938.
The well-known actress Christine Ostermayer reads together with Gregorij von Leitis letters from Käthe Leichter and her husband Otto Leichter. The musical framework for this event is provided by works of Vally Weigl and Karl Weigl interpreted by soprano Josipa Bainac and pianist David Hausknecht.
Introduced by: Michael Lahr von Leitis (Lahr from Leitis Academy) and Gerold Gruber (Head of the Exilarte Center)
2.) Book presentation with music from the 1930s (starting at 9 p.m.)
„In-Musik-sein“ – The Musical Situation of the Exile Philosopher Günther Anders
Günther Anders is not only a technology-critical philosopher, he is also the author of writings on the philosophy of art and music. His Theorie der musikalischen Situation is reconsidered in the book „In-Musik-sein“ is presented here with a music-pedagogical intention.
During this event, the singers Melanie Hirsch and Sylvia Khittl-Muhr will interpret together with the pianist Christoph U. Meier works by Ralph Benatzky, Wilhelm Grosz, Friedrich Hollaender, Michael Jary and Robert Stolz. The musical estate of Wilhelm Grosz is located in the archive of the Exilarte Center.
Moderation Panel:
Gerold Gruber (Chairman of the Exilarte Center)
Markus Hirsch (mdw – Institute for Music Education)
Christoph Khittl (mdw – Institute for Music Education)
An mdw cooperation between the Institute for Music Education (IMP) and the Exilarte Center.
3.) Tours through the exhibition (as of 6:30 p.m.)
Fritz Kreisler – A Cosmopolitan in Exile. From Child Prodigy to “King of Violinists”
Life and work of famous violin virtuoso Fritz Kreisler are presented in the new exhibition of the Exilarte Center through photos, scores as well as life and audio documents. When the National Socialists came to power in Germany, the performances of the star violinist were accompanied by disruptions and calls for boycott due to his Jewish heritage. Also his compositions were no longer played. In September 1939 Kreisler immigrated to the USA, where he settled in New York together with his wife Harriet.
Tickets can be bought directly at the Exilarte Center!
Exilarte Center at the mdw, Lothringerstraße 18 / 1st floor, 1030 Vienna
Regular: € 15.00 (including VAT)
Reduced:* € 12.00 (including VAT)
Free entry for children up to 12 years of age
* reduced tickets for schoolchildren, students, senior citizens, people with disabilities, military service and Ö1 Club members. Please have the relevant proof ready on site.
For further information, please click here.