© Arnold Schönberg Center Wien
A cooperation between the Capital of Culture 2024, the Salzkammergut Festwochen Gmunden, the Arnold Schönberg Center Vienna and the Exilarte Center of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.
Friday, October 4, 2024 at 5:00 p.m
Johann Orth Hall
Tuscany Congress
Ticket sales here.
5:00 p.m. Salon in conversation – Arnold Schönberg
in the Johann Ort Hall, Toscana Congress Gmunden
Therese Muxeneder: “Dissonant idylls for Arnold Schönberg. “The anti-Semitic defense of modernity in the Salzkammergut”
Ulrike Anton: “Vilma von Webenau – Schönberg’s first student”
Gerold Gruber: “Music in exile in Los Angeles”
6:15 p.m. Exhibition tour Idyll for modernity – Arnold Schönberg on Lake Traunsee
at Villa Toscana by Dr. Ulrike Anton (Director of the Arnold Schönberg Center, Vienna)
7:30 p.m. Musical Salon – Concert
in the Johann Ort Hall, Toscana Congress Gmunden
In the 19th and 20th centuries, salons were popular private meeting places where artistic, scientific and political topics were discussed and people enjoyed culinary and musical delicacies. The Arnold Schönberg Salon seeks to pursue this experience and combines interesting lectures with artistic performances. Arnold Schönberg’s environment in Europe as well as in his exile in the USA/Los Angeles offers space for a wide range of works from the Second Viennese School and other, often opposing, stylistic expressions. In addition to Schönberg, works by Erich Zeisl, Vilma von Webenau, Walter Arlen and Erich Wolfgang Korngold will also be heard.
Josipa Bainac-Hausknecht | Mezzo-soprano
Catherina Lee | Violin
David Hausknecht | Piano
Gerold Gruber | Moderation