© Arnold Schönberg Center, © Museum of History, Našice; Kroatien, © Open source
Festive Concert
Under the patronage of the Embassy of the Republic of Croatia in the Republic of Austria in cooperation with the Exilarte Center of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, the ÖAW – Austrian Academy of Sciences, the Croatian Cultural Association in Vienna “Matica Hrvatska Beč” and Association Tonwerk – Forum for New Music
Wednesday, October 04, 2023 at 7:00 p.m
Austrian Academy of Sciences / ballroom (2nd floor)
Doktor-Ignaz-Seipel-Platz 2
1010 Vienna
Admission free!

H.E. Daniel Glunčić, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia
ao Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Gerold W. Gruber, founder of the Exilarte Center
Akos Banlaky: Homage to Dora Pejačević – 2 songs from the Suite op. 63 after Antun Gustav Matoš
Arnold Schönberg: String Quartet in D major (1897)
Dora Pejačević: “Transformation” after Karl Kraus and “Love Song” after Rainer Maria Rilke
Dora Pejačević: Piano Quintet in B minor, Op. 40
Motus String Quartet
Tim de Vries, violin | Karla Križ, violin | Guilherme Caldas, viola | Domonkos Hartmann, cello
Josipa Bainac, mezzo-soprano
David Hausknecht, piano
10 years of Croatia in the EU (2023) | 100th anniversary of the death of composer Dora Pejačević (2023) | Croatian Presidium IHRA (2023) | 150th birthday of Karl Kraus (2024) | 150th birthday of Arnold Schönberg (2024) | 150th birthday of Antun Gustav Matoš (2023)
In the oeuvre of the Croatian composer Dora Pejačević (1885-1923), the composition Metamorphosis occupies a special place both because of its musical significance and because of the context in which it was created: the vocal work for alto, violin and organ or piano was based on verses by the Austrian writer and journalist Karl Kraus (1874-1936) in the spring of 1915 and was intended for the wedding of their mutual friend Sidonia Nádherný von Borutin, which did not take place. Kraus planned to perform the composition in Vienna in 1916, but due to the delay in the score and problems with the performers, the performance did not take place. Correspondence between Kraus and Nádherný recorded that Kraus showed the composition to Arnold Schönberg, who – despite his skepticism about a woman composer – praised the work and advocated its performance.
Metamorphosis by Dora Pejačević is one of the characteristic works of modernism; Schönberg particularly pointed out the interlude before the beginning of the text “Today is Spring”. Encountering Kraus’ poetry was obviously stimulating for Dora Pejačević’s departure from traditional patterns and periodic form towards a freer flow of musical phrases and expressive harmonies.
Out of:
Kos, Koraljka. “Dora Pejačević, Karl Kraus And Arnold Schoenberg.” International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music 50, no. 1/2 (2019): 255-70.