Author: Madeleine Fremuth

ORF Long Night of Museums |   October 1, 2022

On Saturday, October 1, 2022, this year’s “ORF Long Night of Museums” will take place in Austria.

The Exilarte Center of the mdw is pleased to again be part of the event this year. In addition to our special programs, there will be also guided tours through the current exhibition Fritz Kreisler – A Cosmopolitan in Exile. From Child Prodigy to “King of Violinists”as well as through our permanent exhibitions.

SPECIAL EVENTS as part of the ORF Long Night of Museums

1)  Literary Reading with Music (starting at 7 pm)

In Memory of Käthe Leichter – 80 Years After Her Murder by the Nazis

Opening speech: Mag.a Ulrike Sych, President of the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

Käthe Leichter was one of the first leading Austrian social democrats to fight for equal rights of female and male workers. Her letters paint an impressive picture of a courageous woman. In 1939 she was deported to Ravensbrück concentration camp, where she was murdered in 1942. Her sister, the composer and music therapist Vally Weigl, managed to flee to the USA together with her husband, the composer Karl Weigl in 1938.

The well-known actress Christine Ostermayer reads together with Gregorij von Leitis letters from Käthe Leichter and her husband Otto Leichter. The musical framework for this event is provided by works of Vally Weigl and Karl Weigl interpreted by soprano Josipa Bainac and pianist David Hausknecht.

Introduced by: Michael Lahr von Leitis (Lahr from Leitis Academy) and Gerold Gruber (Head of the Exilarte Center)

2.) Book presentation with music from the 1930s (starting at 9 p.m.)

In-Musik-sein“ – The Musical Situation of the Exile Philosopher Günther Anders

Günther Anders is not only a technology-critical philosopher, he is also the author of writings on the philosophy of art and music. His Theorie der musikalischen Situation is reconsidered in the book „In-Musik-sein“ is presented here with a music-pedagogical intention.

During this event, the singers Melanie Hirsch and Sylvia Khittl-Muhr will interpret together with the pianist Christoph U. Meier works by Ralph Benatzky, Wilhelm Grosz, Friedrich Hollaender, Michael Jary and Robert Stolz. The musical estate of Wilhelm Grosz is located in the archive of the Exilarte Center.

Moderation Panel:

Gerold Gruber (Chairman of the Exilarte Center)

Markus Hirsch (mdw – Institute for Music Education)

Christoph Khittl (mdw – Institute for Music Education)

An mdw cooperation between the Institute for Music Education (IMP) and the Exilarte Center.

3.) Tours through the exhibition (as of 6:30 p.m.)

Fritz Kreisler – A Cosmopolitan in Exile. From Child Prodigy to “King of Violinists”

Life and work of famous violin virtuoso Fritz Kreisler are presented in the new exhibition of the Exilarte Center through photos, scores as well as life and audio documents. When the National Socialists came to power in Germany, the performances of the star violinist were accompanied by disruptions and calls for boycott due to his Jewish heritage. Also his compositions were no longer played. In September 1939 Kreisler immigrated to the USA, where he settled in New York together with his wife Harriet.


Tickets can be bought directly at the Exilarte Center!
Exilarte Center at the mdw, Lothringerstraße 18 / 1st floor, 1030 Vienna

Regular: € 15.00 (including VAT)
Reduced:* € 12.00 (including VAT)
Free entry for children up to 12 years of age
* reduced tickets for schoolchildren, students, senior citizens, people with disabilities, military service and Ö1 Club members. Please have the relevant proof ready on site. 

For further information, please click here.

Lecture with Music: “Ukrainian Musicians – Victims of Stalinism” I  June 27, 2022

On June 27, 2022 at 5 p.m., the Ukrainian musicologist Prof. Luba Kyyanovska will talk about outstanding Ukrainian musicians and composers who were active in the second half of the 20th century and persecuted by the Stalinist regime.

The lecture will be musically accompanied by singer Zoryana Kushpler and pianist Iryna Nikolayeva.

An event in cooperation with the Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs.

The lecture will be given in German.

Monday, June 27, 2022
5 p.m.
mdw –University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Lothringerstrasse 18
Franz Liszt Hall (3rd floor)
1030 Vienna/Austria

Admission free!

Wearing an FFP2 mask during the event is recommended.

CD Presentation Hans Winterberg, Piano Music  June 9, 2022

The Exilarte Center at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna in Cooperation with Toccata Classics.

The Theresienstadt composer Hans Winterberg (1901 – 1991) has only been known to the musical world for a few years. The Exilarte Center is largely responsible for the rediscovery of the composer and will publish a large number of compositions in cooperation with the publishing house Boosey & Hawkes over the next few years.

On her second CD with works by Hans Winterberg, the pianist Brigitte Helbig recorded the Toccata, the First Piano Sonata (1936), the Impressionistische Klavier-Suite, the Suite (1956) and Erinnerungen an Böhmen for Toccata Classics. This new CD will be presented on June 9, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. in the Franz Liszt Hall of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna. Prof. Dr. Gerold Gruber, chairman of the Exilarte Center, will guide the audience through this exciting evening, where Brigitte Helbig will interpret some of the works she has recorded. Furthermore, Peter Kreitmeir, grandson of Hans Winterberg, will speak about his numerous efforts supporting the work of his grandfather.

CD Presentation: Piano Music by Hans Winterberg (Volume Two), Toccata Classics

Thursday, June 9, 2022
7:30 p.m.
mdw –University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Lothringerstrasse 18
Franz Liszt-Saal (3rd floor)
1030 Vienna/Austria

Admission free!

Wearing an FFP2 mask during the event is recommended.

Songs from Testimonies: Concert & Workshop I May 23, 2022 

A Project in Cooperation with the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies (Yale University) / Wiener Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies, the Institute for Folk Music Research and Ethnomusicology of the mdw & the Exilarte Center

© Arnold Gold


On May 23, 2022, at 7 p.m. Zisl Slepovitch and his ensemble will present a concert of songs originally sung in villages and towns, in the ghettos and concentration camps across Central and Eastern Europe. The concert will take place at the Franz Liszt-Hall of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna.


Sasha Lurje, vocals
D. Zisl Slepovitch, clarinet, saxophone, vocals
Joshua Camp, accordion, piano, vocals
Dmitry Ishenko, double bass
Craig Judelman, violin, vocals

Monday, May 23, 2022
7 p.m.
mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Lothringerstrasse 18
Franz Liszt Hall
1030 Vienna

Workshop: “Voices of Survivors”

Zisl Slepovitch will also present a hands-on workshop sharing the background of his research and musical production work at the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies at Yale University. In the course of the workshop, Slepovitch will provide an insight into the Archive`s history and collection, methods of ethnomusicological research into testimonies with no personal access to the interviewees (working with tapes); musical restoration cases and methods.

Monday, May 23, 2022
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Lothringerstrasse 18
Franz Liszt Hall
1030 Vienna

In cooperation with the Department of Folk Music Research and
Ethnomusicology at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

About the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies/Yale University

In 2018, the Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, along with musician-in-residence D. Zisl Slepovitch and former Hartman fellow Sarah Garibova, began production of an album of songs recalled in some of the more than 4,400 testimonies from survivors and witnesses of the Holocaust in the Archive, held at Yale University.

The 12,000+ hours of recorded material – in over a dozen languages – represent thousands of people whose life stories provide insights into the Holocaust survivors’ experiences both before, during and after World War II. Songs and poems featured in a number of these testimonies, originally sung in villages and towns, in the ghettos and concentration camps across Central and Eastern Europe, convey the history of that period, in a very personal way.

The Exilarte Center represents the mdw at the Long Night of Research I May 20, 2022

Expelled, persecuted and banned by the Nazi regime – what musical estates are telling us…

On May 20, 2022, the Exilarte Center will represent the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna with several events about the estate of Marta Eggerth and Jan Kiepura during the Long Night of Research.

The son of Jan Kiepura and Marta Eggerth, Marjan Kiepura, himself a pianist and artistic partner of his famous mother, will report on the fate and brilliant careers of his parents in an interview with Prof. Dr. Gerold Gruber (chairman of the Exilarte Center).

Historical film recordings and audio documents from Eggerth/Kiepura can also be viewed and listened to during the event.

In addition, there will be regular guided tours through the exhibition of the Exilarte Center “My Song For You – Marta Eggerth and Jan Kiepura Between Two Worlds”.

The exhibition shows the stage and film careers as well as the musical heritage of these two famous singers. After the so-called Austrian “Anschluss” in 1938, they were forced to turn their backs on Vienna, which the Hungarian soprano and the Polish tenor had initially chosen as their new home. Through scientific research on this important estate, it has also been possible to draw attention to numerous other fates of friends and colleagues of Marta Eggerth and Jan Kiepura who were persecuted or murdered by the Nazi regime.

Long Night of Research, May 20, 2022, 5 – 11 p.m.

From 5:30 p.m., Exilarte Center (1st floor)
Short tours through the exhibition “My Song For You – Marta Eggerth and Jan Kiepura Between Two Worlds” including trivia on the content of the exhibition

7 p.m., Franz Liszt Hall (3rd floor)
Opening: video greeting from Ulrike Sych, rector of the mdw
Marjan Kiepura and his wife Jane Knox-Kiepura will report on the interesting life stories of Marta Eggerth end Jan Kiepura. In addition, historical film recordings and audio documents will be shown.

8 p.m., Franz Liszt Hall (3rd floor)
Q&A with Marjan Kiepura and Jane Knox-Kiepura

From 8:30 p.m., Exilarte Center (1st floor)
further short guided tours & trivia 

Free entry!

Recording of the event:

Exilarte Center at the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Lothringerstrasse 18 (1st floor)
1030 Vienna, Austria

The Exilarte Center represents Austria at the Classical:NEXT in Hannover I May 17-20, 2022

The Exilarte Center was selected by the WKO to represent Austria at the largest global networking and exchange hub for classical music.

On May 17, 2022, Mag. Ulrike Sych, Rector of the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, will open the presentation of the Exilarte Center in Hannover. Prof. Dr. Gerold Gruber, founder and chair of the center, will present together with vice-chair, Dr. Ulrike Anton, the numerous activities of the Exilarte Center.

The Classical:NEXT is the world’s most important industry meeting and event for global networking of the classical music scene.

Presentation of the Exilarte Center at the Classical:NEXT in Hannover

Tuesday, May 17, 2022, 1:45 p.m. – 2:45 p.m
Hannover Congress Center
Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1-3
Video Conference Lounge
30175 Hannover

For further information please click here.

Expelled and Banned: Forgotten Musical Legacy – the Exilarte Center of the mdw in Cooperation with the hmt Rostock and the UdK Berlin, May 4 I 2022

In this cross-university project, students from the hmt – University of Music and Theater in Rostock, the UdK – University of the Arts in Berlin and the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna present a concert that feature composers who were persecuted, expelled or murdered by the Nazi regime.

The concert will take place on May 4, 2022, in the Franz Liszt Hall of the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts, the eve of the Memorial Day Against Violence and Racism. 

A second performance in cooperation with the Exilarte Center will take place on May 7, 2022 at the hmt – Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Rostock.

Concert “Expelled and Banned: Forgotten Musical Legacy”

Wednesday, May 4, 2022
7:30 p.m.
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Lothringerstrasse 18
Franz Liszt Hall (3rd floor)
1030 Vienna

Free admission!

Wearing an FFP-2 mask is highly recommended during this event!

Works by: Gideon Klein, Viktor Ullmann, Ernest Bloch, Alexander Zemlinsky and Hans Gál


Ana Bakradze, piano (UdK Berlin)
Benjamin Kruithof, cello (UdK Berlin)
Liliya Nigamedzyanova, viola (mdw)
Daniel Prinz, piano (hmt Rostock)
Sofía Revueltas, soprano (hmt Rostock)
Isabella Schwarz, oboe (mdw)
Floris Willem, violin (mdw)

Exilarte Concerts in New York and Washington D.C. I April 27 – May 3, 2022

The Exilarte Center presents compositions from their musical estates in three concerts in the US

In cooperation with the Center for Jewish History in New York, the Austrian Cultural Forum New York and the Austrian Cultural Forum Washington, concerts by the Exilarte Center will take place from April 27 to May 3, 2022, in which works by Julius Bürger, Hans Gál and Robert Fürstenthal will be performed. The musical estates of these composers are located in the archive of the Exilarte Center.

Works by Erwin Schulhoff and Alexandre Tansman will also be heard.

Concert at the Center for Jewish History

Wednesday, April 27, 2022, 7:30 p.m. (EDT)
Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street
New York, NY 10011

The link for the YouTube video of this concert will be published soon…

Works by: Hans Gál, Erwin Schulhoff, Alexandre Tansman, Julius Bürger and Robert Fürstenthal


Ulrike Anton, flute
Selini Quartet
Nadia Kalmykova, violin
Ljuba Kalmykova, violin
Marta Potulska, viola
​Loukia Loulaki, cello

Matthew Maroon, oboe
Taig Egan, clarinet
Sandford Schwartz, bassoon
Hyunseon Kang, soprano
Mariia Kolosova, piano

Concert at the Austrian Cultural Forum New York

Thursday, April 28, 2022, 7 p.m. (EDT)
Austrian Cultural Forum New York
11 East 52nd Street
New York, NY 10022

Works by: Julius Bürger


Selini Quartet
Nadia Kalmykova, violin
Ljuba Kalmykova, violin
Marta Potulska, viola
Loukia Loulaki, cello

Concert at the Austrian Cultural Forum Washington

Tuesday, May 3, 2022, 7 p.m. (EDT)
Austrian Cultural Forum Washington / Embassy of Austria
3524 International Court, NW
Washington, DC 20008

Works by: Julius Bürger, Erwin Schulhoff und Béla Bartók


Selini Quartet
Nadia Kalmykova, violin
Ljuba Kalmykova, violin
Marta Potulska, viola
Loukia Loulaki, cello

The catalogue to the exhibition “Marta Eggerth and Jan Kiepura” has arrived!

The catalogue to the exhibition “My Song For You – Marta Eggerth and Jan Kiepura Between Two Worlds”

Who doesn’t know them: Marta Eggerth and Jan Kiepura, the dream couple in film, opera and operetta? Their voices inspired the masses and their unique timbre still moves today. 

The exhibition catalogue contains detailed descriptions of the life story of the singer couple with a special focus on their exile situation in the USA. But it also points out the fates of all those artists who had worked artistically with Marta Eggerth and Jan Kiepura and were persecuted, expelled or murdered by the Nazis.

Included are also listings of all of the couple’s film and stage appearances, short biographies of the persecuted and murdered colleagues, as well as numerous illustrations of unpublished documents located in the archive of the Exilarte Center of the mdw, which is the new home of Marta Eggerth’s and Jan Kiepura’s estate.


Dr. Susanne Korbel

Mag. Nobuko Nakamura

Dr. Ulrike Anton


Prof. Dr. Gerold Gruber (Chairman of the Exilarte Center)


Verlag Der Apfel

If you are interested in buying, please contact:

Masterclass with Ulrike Anton at the Verfemte Musik Festival in Schwerin, Germany | October 7 – 10, 2021

IntInternationale Masterclasses, Symposium and Concert

From October 7 – 10,  2021 the Exilarte Cetner is again invited to the Verfemte Musik Festival in Schwerin/Germany

Flutist and musicologist Dr. Ulrike Anton will hold masterclasses for flute and wind chamber music from October 7 – 10, 2021.  Registration is open until September 19, 2021.

Online-Registration Masterclass